A great start for the week so far! Apart from the launch of a major project - Hugo Voeten Art Centre's website, that we'll describe later, today we saw we were awarded with Honorable mention from awwwards.com for our new company website - The link.
Awwwards.com is among the three most valuable portals for web design and development in the world. So our project entered the charts of the portal for html5, css3, jQuery, best design studio and so on.
Apart from the awwwards.com recognition our site was nominated, selected and included in a number of portals. Here's a short list:
cssawards.net | awwwards.com | cssdesignawards.com | gooddesignweb.com | csswinner.com | frenchdesignindex.com | cssreel.com | htmlinspiration.com | webdesignerdaily.com | www.bestjquery.com | neuecss.com | html5websitegallery.com | csslight.com | web.2008php.com | qindex.de | quandtnet.de