full visual concept, visual identity, logotype, photo shooting, typographic grid and selection, website concept and website elaboration.
Before we started the elaboration of the corporate website for DasTaschenWerk, we were involved in the creation of company's visual identity – logotype, colour schemes, typography. On the base of our full visual concept we developed for our client we made the photo shooting for the needs of the website, web concept and whole web design and development.The result is minimalistic graphic design inspired by the Constructivism of XX century presented with responsive photo-based web layout.
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP
DasTaschenWerk is a German company with production facilities in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, manufacturing luxurious paper bags.
Computerspace 2012 - The third place in Web design – technology and market in 2012 competition.
websmagazine.net | html5gallery.com | zzrock.net | bm.straightline.jp | html5-showcase.com | cssawards.net | designmadeingermany.de | strangefruits.nl | quandtnet.de | coolhomepages.com | pixelgangster.de | csswinner.com |