After we created their last website back in the distant 2008, Trakia Ensemble trusted us again. It was a "masterpiece" from the era of the (Adobe) Flash design. This project is somewhat indicative of the evolution of our style. We used "variable" fonts. This allowed us to achieve much more flexibly for the balance between good readability, hierarchical structure and graphics. The composition of the interface is based on a modular grid. We paid special attention to the asymmetrical elements, the micro animations and the smooth scrolling of the page with a measured parallax effect. For the project we used a contrasting monochrome color scheme. The post-production of the leading images puts them as an important part of the overall graphic impact. The project uses a integrated CMS which allows trained project administrators to create different types of interfaces based on a combination of individual module segments.
CSS3 HTML 5 JavaScript (ECMA-6) Laravel 7 PHP.
Since its founding in 1974, "Trakia" Folklore Ensemble is an innovator in music and dance, keeping the connection of contemporary art with the deep roots of Bulgarian folklore, rituals and legends. The performances of the ensemble go beyond the traditional concerts and is widely acclaimed for revealing the great folklore richness of Bulgaria from all ethnographic areas in a brilliant way.