Chipolino is one of the brands relying on bigger part of market share when talking about baby products. The assortment of the manufacturer are well known for quality and design. Chipolino Ltd. is a part of MAXEUROPE - the biggest bicycle producer in south eastern Europe.
Chipolino is selling online for more than ten years. This vast experience and their clear concept for the online business lead them to our studio.
I-Crativ specialises in custom web design and development solutions. The main challenge for this project was to find the optimal structure helping the user to find the right purchase in the huge range of products in the website.
The first step was to analyze an optimize the structure of the website. We were looking for "smart" approaches. At the end we chose this clear-as-possible and highly applicable interface. We integrated complex (as programming) but easy (as usability) system for searching and filtering of results. We aimed to make users feel comfortable and easy, but to keep the high level of usability. Also the registered user could keep track of their purchases and statuses. The website could also use wide range of products and categories discount capabilities and sale campaigns.