Everyone is teasing you, telling you that you may receive an awesome product at a terrific price.
- You can buy economy washing powder scented with "Clive Christian Imperial Majesty" (we have no idea how does this smell like, but its retail price is $215,000)
- You can have a super successful online business with only up to 2 or 3 clicks and an investment of 50-100 EUR.
- You can heal your prostate with a dietary supplement for only ... well, almost for free
- Cycle and menopause could become the most wonderful time in your life for some ... cash
- etc.
So these days, when everyone is looking at the user/customer/buyer as a greedy imbecile fool, we say WE RAISE THE PRICES!
- We respect our customers and want to give them the best.
- We don't do miracles, but what we do it top-level superior quality.
- Because today we've received Honorable Mention from AWWWARDS for ours latest project Corrupted Time!!!
It was also awarded with:
- "Special Kudos" by CssDesignAwards
- "Site du jour" from FrenchDesignIndex
- "Featured of the Day" from CssLight
- and etc.